Will Smith’s fart caused ‘Men In Black’ to be canceled, director reveals

Let’s talk off camera with Kelly Ripa
Will Smith really knows how to clear an area… with his butt!
According to film director Barry SonnenfeldDuring the filming of the 1997 science fiction film ‘Men In Black’, the actor was such a fartbag that he caused the entire cast and crew to leave the set for three hours.
Sonnenfeld made the shocking revelation during Wednesday’s episode of Kelly Ripa“Let’s Talk Off Camera,” while promoting his new book “Best Possible Place, Worst Possible Time.”
The director told Ripa that Smith let it rip while he was filming a scene with Costar Tommy Lee Jones in a “hermetically sealed” vehicle that turned into a hypercar in Manhattan’s Midtown Tunnel.
But, Sonnenfeld said, Smith’s loot became a big problem because gas kept escaping during the smelly shoot.
The stench was so bad, Sonnenfeld said, that he had to climb down a ladder and run out of the tunnel with Jones.
Sonnenfeld noted that the odor overtook the cast and crew, forcing them to evacuate the area for three hours.
Smith was very apologetic, according to Sonnenfeld, who described Will as a nice guy but a “fart,” adding, “That’s just the way some people are.”