Wendy Williams Guardian says that the media is wrong about her condition, living situation

Wendy Williams
Guardian’s lawyer says media are wrong
Wendy has freedom, great care and a competent guardian
TMZ has just received a letter from a lawyer Repuping Wendy Williams‘Guardian, Sabrina MorrisseyAnd the lawyer claims that part of the media coverage about custody and their client is “false, inaccurate, incomplete or misleading”.
The lawyer notes that Morrissey did not create custody … the judge does. He further says that a judge declared Wendy legally in August, after being diagnosed with frontemporal dementia the year before.
The lawyer says that Wendy has not been stored for her family and says she can call them and she can see when she wants. Wendy says she is not allowed to visit visitors, with a few exceptions, since he enters the supported residential facility in New York.
The Guardian notes that Wendy traveled to Florida twice to visit family. We have been told that Wendy claims that the judge actually rejected the last visit – For her father’s birthday – And that decision reversed after the documentary of TMZ, “Save Wendy,“ cases on tubi.
The lawyer says that Wendy receives “excellent medical care” where a “spa, a training room, excellent food, a dining room and outside terraces.” Wendy says that she is often denied access to many of these benefits because she can only leave the memory unit of the fifth floor with permission.

The lawyer says that Wendy’s lawyer tried last year to end custody, but the judge denied it. Morrissey’s lawyer says she is free to try it again, and Wendy does exactly that.
It is interesting … The letter acknowledges that frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a degenerative state that causes “a progressive decrease in cognition and behavior”. There is no mention of the various conversations that Wendy has had on the camera and on the phone in which she sounds like her old self, something that damages a degenerative condition.
The letter also says that symptoms of FTD memory loss include. As we reported, an independent psychiatrist Wendy Monday and gave her a cognitive test she kept.
The lawyer says that Morrissey “received one payment of less than $ 30,000 for services provided. Since 2022, the Guardian has worked without wages. Only the court will determine how much and when Mrs. Morrissey is paid for her services provided.”

Finally, the lawyer warns: “False statements about Mrs. Williams, her condition and guardianship harm Mrs. Williams and her interests and undermine the protection created by the court for her health and well -being.”
Wendy, her niece, her independent caregiver and others have a very different view of the situation.