Video shows geyser erupting in Yellowstone National Park, tourists flee

Tourists in Yellowstone National Park were sent packing after an unexpected hydrothermal explosion occurred at a geyser there… leaving a devastating scene in the aftermath.
The incident occurred Tuesday around the Biscuit Basin area of the park, just over two miles from Old Faithful. Fortunately, there were no reports of injuries following the explosion, but the explosion did cause damage to the landmark promenade.
The Biscuit Basin parking lot and boardwalks are temporarily closed to prioritize visitor safety… while YNP geologists are currently investigating the event. They say the hydrothermal explosion was not a sign of an impending volcanic eruption… and said that as far as they know there have been no changes in the Yellowstone region.
While officials from the United States Geological Survey and Yellowstone described the eruption as minor… a video making the rounds online shows just how harrowing the incident was for tourists — and yes, it was absolutely huge… like a tidal wave of water and ash.
Park visitors can be seen fleeing along the now-damaged boardwalk as a dark jet of steam shoots up… bringing down all kinds of debris, and just missing some.
Officials say hydrothermal explosions are relatively common in the national park. Anyway… these people were lucky to walk away unscathed. Watch your step, people!!!