Trump Impersonator claims that Hilaria Baldwin pursued him after Alec Face-Off

Trump imitator
Hilaria Baldwin has chased me
After Alec cut my neck threat
Hilaria Baldwinstands with her husband – after a Trump – imitator tried to get under AlecThe skin, it is hilaria that the man has chased through the street … according to the troll itself.
We have a comedian Jason Scoop Tuesday in NYC, where his intimidating confrontation of Alec went down and went viral after he posted it. If you missed it, Scoop hurled overly Zingers to Alec while you approached Donald Trump Sunday evening, provoking a furious answer in which the Actor threatened to break the neck of the comic.

But Scoop claims that one of the wildest parts of his interaction on the street is not caught on the camera. He says that after Alec over Scoop’s Jabs broke out about the “rust” who shoots from Halyna HutchinsHilaria came in to protect her husband.
Jason claims that Hilaria sprinted in high heels and came to him in an attempt to grab his phone. But to his annoyance … he says his cameraman missed the images.
Regarding his interaction with Alec, Jason admits that he was genuinely nervous after Ab got straight into his face and threatened violence.
The jokes of Scoop have definitely exceeded a line, but he defends his bit by pointing to Alec mercilessly mocked Trump for years on ‘SNL’ … and creating himself is a big DJT fan.
Eventually the Trump-Alike received the big reaction he was looking-van Alec and people online but we think he will no longer mess with the Lord or Mrs. Baldwin.