Small Business

Top Goal Setting Frameworks

Like most things in life, there are frameworks for goal setting.

I highly recommend NOT reinventing the wheel.

Choose a framework and stick with it.


The old but golden, SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) are my favorite for structured planning.

golden circle

Dive into the ‘why’, circle through the ‘how’ and then arrive at the ‘what’. Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle turns the traditional model on its head.

Goal pyramid

Layer your goals from the ground up, with your mission at the bottom and your tasks at the top.

Locke and Latham’s five principles

These principles revolve around clarity, challenge, commitment, feedback and task complexity to ensure goals are sustainable.

BHAG (Big, Hairy, Bold Goals)

BHAGs are not for the faint of heart: they are transformative goals that will change the way you think about scaling and growth.


Sincere, animated, required and difficult – HARD goals tap into your emotional energy and fully engage you in the pursuit of goals.


This mental strategy stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan – a mentally contrasting technique that helps reinforce goal achievement.

Here’s a cool graphic I made about all these BA frameworks.

Frameworks for goal settingFrameworks for goal setting

Pro tip: If you’re new to goal setting, start simple. You’re looking for a goal snowball where you crush one goal and then set another goal.

If you make your goals too lofty, you lose power when you fall short.

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