The gloomy truth behind Charles and Diana’s marriage

The book, Yes, ma’am: the secret life of royal servantsIs a look behind the scenes of the British monarchy of the employees themselves.
One employee, a hunting and fish expert, revealed the troubled marriage of Charles and Diana, started unraveling just after their famous wedding in 1981.
Anonymous, the supervisor revealed that Diana in particular hated Balmoral Castle, the Scottish residence of the family. She would have found the site boring and was not a fan of the outdoor activities that were offered at home, such as hunting.
In the meantime, the prince who was Charles-King-King was an avid fox hunter, and according to the book he covered himself with the blood of the first fox and the first deer he shot and, according to the royal tradition,, according to the royal tradition.
This disgusting Diana, and the nameless source said: “That was, I think, the start was of the deterioration of their relationship, whatever people say that it is completely about the other woman.”