Stephen Colbert about Trump’s joint session: ‘Applauded by useless idiots’

During tonight’s live broadcast from ‘The Late Show’, Stephen Colbert entered the joint address of President Donald Trump at the congress and criticized many of the talk points during the speech of almost two hours.
Before jacket entered the stage, a “Animaniacs” theme played parody called “The Maga Maniacs” for the public. With cartoon versions of Trump, vice -president JD Vance and house speaker Mike Johnson, the song went as follows: “It’s time for Maga Maniacs / Federal Workers get the AX / Dei Rollbacks / Putin can relax / we are Maga Maniacs.”
After the song was over, Colbert and dived quickly in the address of Trump, first poking pleasure in the theme of the speech.
“The theme of tonight’s speech was” The renewal of the American Dream, “said Colbert.” Yes, I don’t know if I want to sign up for the renewal. Can’t I just use another e -mail to get a free trial version? ”
Colbert also dealt with the removal of the Texas congress Al Green, who was accompanied from the joint session after he had repeatedly interrupted Trump.
“Johnson called in the sergeant to remove the 77-year-old Texas congress member Al Green,” said Colbert. “Some people wondered why so many muscles were needed to remove an old man with a stick. But it turns out that it was a serious reason. When security sought him, they discovered that he smuggled in a spine. ‘
Colbert wrapped his monologue by apologizing with the audience that she let Trump’s speech look and added: “That is time that you could have spent your family not eating eggs.”
“So there you go. We will never come back for another 2 hours, “said Colbert. “Ultimately, the first address of Trump at the congress looked a lot like his first six weeks: full of useful lies and welcomed by useless idiots.”