
Sophie Turner is ‘happy’ to escape LA and return home to Britain after her divorce

Shortly after their divorce was announced, social media users and media outlets began calling Turner a “bad mother who loved to party.”

In May, Turner called the days following the announcement “the worst few days of my life.”

In an interview with British Vogueshe explained: “I remember when I was on set, I had been contracted to stay on set for another two weeks, so I couldn’t leave. My children were in the United States and I couldn’t reach them because I had to finish [ITV drama] Jeanne. And all these articles started coming out.”

“It hurt because I was literally torturing myself with every move I made as a mother – my mother’s guilt is so real! I just had to tell myself, ‘None of this is true. You are a good mother, and you’ I’ve never been a partier.

She admitted she was “in shock” after the party girls’ accusations, saying: “I felt like I was watching a movie of my life that I hadn’t written, produced or starred in.”

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