Sola emerges from stealth with $30M to build the ‘Stripe for security’

Nowadays, companies can choose from hundreds of apps and services that are available to secure their networks, data and assets – almost as much more to help them manage all the warnings and extra work that generate those security apps. But what if you could build your own apps, adapted to your own workload, to simplify the entire game?

That is the starting point of a new Israeli startup called SolaThat a platform with a low/no-code has built users to design their own cyber security apps that are tailored to their specific needs, including tools to manage apps that they may already use. SOLA today comes from Stealth armed with seed financing of $ 30 million to get the ground with the indicated goal to ‘democratize’ how safety can be approached and treated.

“We try not to be like another CPSM of the next generation, or ASPM,” said co-founder Guy Fletcher, referring to posture management tools-or another acronym that you can think of. We want to change the way you are think About security. As Stripe did with payments or Canva did with design. “

S Capital (the company founded by the team that started Sequoia Israel) and former old Sequoia VC Mike Moritz leads De Ronde together, withS32Glilot Capital PartnersAnd unnamed angel investors who participate. (Sola has been around for about a year, and some details of these round leaks while it was still in the making and the company had to unveil details about the product yet.)

Sola is the brainchild of two old players in the world of cyber security whose experience is effectively booking the challenge. Fletcher is a builder who previously co-founder and led Cider Security, a specialist in application security that was taken over by Palo Alto Networks for $ 300 million in 2022. His co-founder Ron Peled was the classic end user: he had previously been the Chief Infosec for a number of commercy company.

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As Fletcher describes it, nowadays there are nowadays two options for solving security challenges nowadays.

Option one is to buy a very robust, commercial solution, usually for a price tag that is in the six digits. “It is a very complex solution, and at the end of the day you will probably not use everything you paid for,” he said.

Option two is building solutions yourself with the help of open source components. “You need a very high level of technical expertise to bring that together,” he said.

SOLA’s approach is in fact a swing in creating a new option three.

The platform is designed for organizations that may not have large security teams and that use the latest innovations using AI and Big Data Management and is designed for organizations and that can be used by people without extensive technical skills.

Sola’s interface with which users can ask goals or ask questions in the natural language and then bring in data from different sources, identify what it wants to follow, to make a new “app” that works with the specific assets of that company.

SOLA can be used to request data in existing security apps that are used, Fletcher said, but there is also security tooling built in to replace certain functionality. Sola also has “prepared” apps for those who do not want to put together their own apps.

The goal is to create more streamlined security services for organizations, which in theory will do exactly what they want and for a fraction of the price.

Apps currently in the Gallery app give you an idea of ​​which types of functionality Sola proposes that it can handle. With an AWS Network Security app, for example, the user can “get a high-level summary of important AWS network protection statistics, including potential vulnerabilities.”

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The kind of questions that it can help answer, state, state, include: “Which security groups have exaggerated tolerant rules?” “Which network protocols have been made possible in my area?” “Are there unprotected open gates that can uncover critical services?” And “What is the status of my VPC flow logbooks?”

Dozens of apps have been written in advance to handle other cloud environments, developer environments such as Github and important security tools such as OKTA and WIZ.

Moritz in particular makes his first investment here in a security startup in his capacity as solo investor. He said that what stood for him was how the Sola team leaned in the larger trend of building simplified front -ends with more complicated work that was done behind the scenes in the back, while I used in technological innovations to make that possible. That is a pattern that has previously been seen in areas such as payments with stripe, design with Canva and many other now giant technology companies. But his words are also a memory that all this is still a work in execution.

“It is clear that SOLA will benefit from all the progress that occur with breathtaking speed in the evolution of AI. That is very clear in his product, “he said in an interview. “If you look at the Sola interface today compared to where it was even 18 months ago, it is enormously advanced thanks to the improvements and breakthroughs that have been announced and revealed in the last 18 months.”

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