Ozzy Osbourne said he almost died in a new chat, but he also had fun

Speaking about his fall in 2019 while going to the toilet, the Heavy Metal icon shared: “I fell over and landed wrong. I went to the doctor and you assume everyone knows what they’re doing. My son Jack has a video of me going into surgery and saying, ‘I’ll see you in a few minutes.'”
He added: “I haven’t run well since.”
Osbourne called his induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame as a solo artist: “The best news I’ve had in years. My last show was almost six years ago on New Year’s Eve at the LA Forum.”
He was inducted during the ceremony on Saturday, October 19 in Cleveland, Ohio.
The rocker stepped onto the stage and said, “Well, here we are. You know what? I can’t believe I’m here myself. Let me get the thank yous out of the way because I’m not going to bore you with a long, drawn out monologue I want to thank whoever voted me into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for my solo work Thank you.
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