
New -Zeeland launches the easiest digital nomad visa without income requirements

Tourism is already one of the largest income streams in New Zealand. The beautiful island, however, broadens its scope through launch A digital nomadvision to attract long -term traveling employees.

The digital visa offers a lot of flexibility for employees who, under specific circumstances, travel and work routinely. NZ will become a member of dozens of countries that offer employees remotely the opportunity to come and enjoy NZ without violating all the conditions of Visitor Visa.

Requirements for the digital visa

Getting a conventional visa requires strict documentation and an often long approval process. Every country has unique criteria for their visas. However, a digital nomad visa streamlines the process if a traveler meets specific guidelines. In New Zealand:

  • You can work and visit a total of 90 days
  • Your external work cannot be for a company in Nieuw -Zeeland
  • If self -employed, your customers must be outside the country
  • Your work is part of a holiday or holiday excursion
  • Circumstances do not require employees to be in NZ to represent foreign companies
  • You do not provide goods or services to customers in Nieuw -Zeeland
  • You have no physical workspace in the country

If one of the above criteria does not match the guidelines for a NZ Digital Visa, you must request a conventional visa. And although there is no ceiling for income in connection with the new -Zeeland digital nomad visa, all income still applies to current tax laws.

Participate in the Global Digital Nomad Visa Trend

Digital nomade -visa have become increasingly popular and offer external employees the opportunity to live and work in different countries. The income requirements for these visas vary considerably per destination.

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For example, The digital nomadvision of Spain requires an income of at least € 2,400 per month, with higher thresholds if accompanied by persons. Countries such as Mauritius, on the other hand, offer more accessible options and require a minimum income of $ 1500 per month for private individuals. Uniqly, New -Zeeland, has introduced digital nomade -visa without specified minimal income requirement.

Remote employees in IT or influencers of social media will appreciate the opportunity to promote their services and the opportunity to embrace the beautiful environments of New Zealand.

The Nomad Digital Visa is an opportunity to visit Hobbiton film locations or the Schapenboerderijen from Queenstown and Majestous Meren while retaining your income.

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