Marilyn Manson hits back at ex-fiance Evan Rachel Wood for putting him down

Shock rocker Marilyn Manson has fired back at former fiancée Evan Rachel Woodclaiming that her allegations that he physically and sexually abused her are outright lies. can reveal that Manson – real name Brian Warner – claims he is actually the victim of his ex’s elaborate plan to destroy his career.
Manson further claimed that Wood and her singer friend Illma Gore even used a forged letter from the FBI to support their claims.
His allegations were detailed in legal documents demanding the plaintiff case of defamation against the two women are reopened.
The filing said: “They recruited, pressured and coached others to make heinous, untrue allegations against Warner; they forged a false letter from a real FBI agent to create the false appearance that Warner was under FBI investigation and that his ‘victims’ were in danger.”
If previously reported, in 2021, the Westworld star, 36, accused Manson55, of mental, sexual and physical abuse. She also accused him of threatening to rape her eight-year-old son Jack.
Manson responded by suing Wood and Gore for intentional infliction of emotional distress and defamation.
A California The judge ultimately dismissed his lawsuit under a state law that bars legal action brought by powerful people to silence opposition.
A source close to Manson claimed: “Marilyn believes he was not allowed to give his side of the story and is demanding his day in court.”
Howard E. King, Manson’s attorney, alleged that Wood and Gore spread lies about the singer, obtained personal information from his former employees, hacked into his personal accounts, wrote fake emails and even “beat” him , a term used to describe when police are sent. to a house for no reason.
He further accused the judge of ignoring one of the accusers, recanting her abuse allegations and saying she felt pressured by Wood to lie about Manson.
New York attorney Peter J. Gleason, who is not representing any party in the case, noted that Wood could face “serious consequences” if the FBI letter turns out to be a forgery.
He added: “She could be prosecuted. Because it’s an FBI document, she would be pitted against the Department of Justice and all its resources.”
But the actress’ rep said, “As Ms. Wood testified under oath, she did not fabricate or falsify the FBI letter, and she never pressured anyone to make false allegations against Warner.”
Wood and Manson are also fighting it out after a judge ruled he had to pay the $387,000 in legal bills she racked up defending herself.
He claims that the amount should be greatly reduced because the invoice submitted by his ex was vague and full of redactions.
Wood’s team fired back in a motion, writing: “[Manson] is attempting to avoid its obligation to reimburse Wood for its attorneys’ fees by claiming that the submitted billing information contains redactions and so-called “block-billing,” or vague time statements. [Manson’s] Complaints are much ado about nothing.”