King Charles and Camilla’s ‘Love Child’ ready for trial

The ‘secret love child’ of King Charles and Queen Camilla has decided to take the legal route in his search for answers after being plagued by intimidation and death threats over the years.
A British-born man named Simon Dorante-Day has revealed details of his lawsuit against Queensland police over their continued dereliction of duty, can reveal.
In a recent one Facebook post, Dorante-Day revealed that he has been working on a case to pursue legal action.
He wrote: ‘I have been busy over the past few weeks working on a case against the Queensland Police Service for their continued dereliction of duty, which was filed in the Supreme Court of Queensland on Monday. As a family, we have not only had to deal with public awareness about my adoption issue, but we have also had to deal with the abuse, intimidation, threats and threats from certain sections of society.
“We have been forced to undergo this treatment for almost four years, and it is long overdue for this to be legally addressed.”
Dorante-Day has been very vocal about his belief that he is Charles and Camilla’s “secret love child” and has gathered evidence to support his claims.
He was born in 1966 and at the time of his birth, King Charles was 17 years old and Camilla was 18 years old.
The 58-year-old was adopted by Karen and David Day when he was around eight months old.
His adoptive grandparents, Winifred and Ernest Bowlden, served the Queen and Prince Philip in the royal family.
Dorante-Day has previously claimed that his adoptive grandmother told him about his connection to the royal family.
He further explained that the main focus of his case is on his rights as “the adopted one.”
Dorante-Day wrote: “These rights, which are established by law upon the child’s original adoption, exist for the entire life of the adoptee and are primarily concerned with the ‘best interests and welfare of’ the adoptee. It is clear that these rights are transparent. to the QPS and that they are failing, firstly, in their duty of care to my family and me, and secondly, my human rights under the Queensland Human Rights Act.
In a video he reposted, newscasters discussed the dates of Charles and Camilla’s relationship timeline, which have reportedly changed.
He added in the caption, “I’m right, why would I hide the real date they first met? Unless there’s a reason.”
In an earlier message on Facebook to his 29,000 followers, he claimed that King Charles and Camilla met in the mid-1960s – not the 1970s.
He also claimed that Camilla stopped making social appearances in Britain shortly before his birth date.