Kamala Harris raises concerns about drinking problems after video message with slurry

Kamala Harris appeared with blue eyes and slurred words in a bizarre video message.
November 28, 2024, published at 1:56 PM ET
Kamala Harris has fueled theories that she drank alcohol before delivering her Thanksgiving message.
RadarOnline.com can reveal that the vice president’s video, which first aired on the Democrats’ official X-page, was heavily examined by doctors to determine whether, as claimed, she had been drinking pre-record.
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And some social media users have gone so far as to suggest that Harris has drowned her sorrows following her election loss to Donald Trump, 78.
Harris appeared black-eyed and slurred his words during the bizarre speech, prompting a flood of memes on social media.
The video was released days before Thanksgiving, with Harris, 60, holed up in California over the holiday, telling campaign staff they still “had the same power” and thanking her supporters.
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Body language experts believe Harris may have been drinking.
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Dr. Carole Lieberman, a psychiatrist who has worked with alcoholics, said after watching the video that she could not rule out that Harris was under the influence.
She pointed to the VP’s half-closed eyes, slightly slurred speech, and exaggerated emphasis on hand movements, and said these were all signs that she might have had something to drink.
Dr. Stuart Fishcer, an emergency room doctor in New York City, added that her head movements also suggested she had been drinking alcohol.
The experts said other factors, such as shame over the loss or exhaustion, could also play a role, although they pointed out that it has now been 22 days since the election.
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Harris had been on vacation before the report.
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They also raised the possibility that her body language could be the result of side effects from an undisclosed drug the VP is taking. They used sleeping pills as an example.
In addition, body language experts believe her bizarre behavior was an attempt to appear sympathetic and express honest human emotions.
Harris was at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, California, on Tuesday afternoon after a six-day R&R vacation to Hawaii.
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Harris’ bizarre video inspired a host of “drunk” memes.
Kamala Harris
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Dr. Fischer said: “She is not royally drunk, but that is absolutely the right word (tipsy).
“She speaks a bit slurred and there was also a head movement, a kind of bobbing movement as if you are calmed by an intoxicant, but you still have to give a serious speech.
“I don’t think this is exhaustion or anything else. No, this isn’t just days later, this is days and days after the election.”
Dr. Fischer pointed out that Harris took long pauses during which she closed her eyes.
He said this seemed unusual to him because a standard blink would only last between 100 and 150 milliseconds.
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Some fans fear that Harris has turned to drinking due to the stress of the election loss.
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When drunk, people tend to blink less because alcohol acts as a depressant and slows down the activity of the nervous system, including the natural reflex to blink.
The doctors also highlighted the moment when Harris held her hands to her chest for six seconds and then leaned back in her chair.
Both doctors said that these slow and delayed movements, as well as the more relaxed position of her hands, were signs that she may have been drinking.
At another point, she also seems to slur her speech when she says, “I just need to remind you… (two second pause)… never let anyone take your power away from you.”
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Harris closed her eyes as she blinked longer than normal.
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And again, when she says, “And you have the same goal… (one second pause)… that you did… (three second pause)… and you have the same… (two second pause) … ability… (pause for a second)… to engage and inspire.”
Dr. Lieberman said: “There are many videos online that have been photoshopped to make her look worse (more drunk), but even the way she looks in the non-photoshopped videos shows that she is drunk.
“When you’re drunk, you’re less inhibited, and that’s what we see here.”