Justin Timberlake Invited Celebrity to ‘Squirm Out of DWI Rap’

According to Timberlake’s reported arrest, he smelled of alcohol, was “highly unbalanced” and “unable to properly follow police instructions.”
Arresting officer Michael Arkinson’s handwritten report detailed the singer’s refusal to take three breathalyzer tests.
Arkinson wrote that the pop star “[b]flood and glassy eyesodor of alcoholic beverage from breath, inability to divide attention, unsteady on foot”.
After Timberlake was taken back an inventory of his personal belongings was made to the local police station. The report detailing the items Timberlake had on him at the time of his arrest revealed that he was in possession of a black vape pen, a gold ring, three $100 bills, a $5 bill and a $1 bill.