Jay Leno denies that he focused on Monica Lewinsky, says she was an honest game

Jay Leno
I never ‘focused’ Monica Lewinsky !!!
… she was honest play
Jay Leno responds to Monica Lewinsky‘s claims that he mainly went hard on her after her affair with Bill Clinton Press the headlines in the 90s.
Sources near Jay tell TMZ that he did not personally focus on Monica at the time – he says that she was just an easy punchline and honest game, because she was in the news everywhere at the time.

Call her father
Tackling Monica’s claims from the interview with “Call Her Daddy” on Tuesday Alex CooperSources say that Jay would not call it unfair – she wax Often the butt of the jokes was, but nobody was out to get her personally. It is precisely that, in comedy, sometimes people are injured.
They also point out that making jokes over her part of the rivalry in the late night-el male host did it.
That said, our source tells us that Jay could not apologize or be sincerely about it, because that was the news and that is what they did in the late night game.
We have been told that Jay gets why Monica is upset, but reminded us that we now live in a different time, and he has not mentioned her name for 30 years – and it is not something he would joke about today.
We were told that he was surprised that this is still the case, especially seen how successful she has been since … but he has no bad will against her.