Inside, David Hasselhoff & Pamela revealed Bach’s painful relationship

Less than two months after Hasselhoff and Bach completed their divorce, a 66-page application by the Dodgeall The actor’s lawyers revealed more important details about their romance.
According to the excavated documents, Bach tested positively on cocaine two months earlier and was intoxicated when they celebrated the 16th birthday of Taylor in May of that year. It also noticed accusations of unfaithfulness on top of alcohol, drugs and physical abuse that reported during their marriage.
Bach’s then Attorney Goldsman responded to the leak, telling People: “We are all indignant. This was a terrible mistake on behalf of the court. David would never deliberately release anything that his children would be hurtful. He was quite disturbed about this.”
“I don’t believe it was deliberately misused. It is a mistake that happens, based on the work that the court receives,” Goldsman continued.
In the meantime, Bach’s then Lawyer Susan Wiesner claimed that it was a “deliberate attempt to” smell the character and reputation of her client, and added: “She is a good mother and she wants to protect her children. I have no idea how these documents became public.”