Inside Assad’s torture chambers

Assad fled Syria after his cruel and sick rule ended.
December 9, 2024, published at 7:30 PM ET
Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian torture chamber prison is filled with horror stories, including prisoners who suffered inhumane treatment before being killed.
Sednaya Prison, nicknamed the ‘human slaughterhouse’, is where prisoners were ordered to perform terrifying and sick tasks while locked up, can reveal.
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Bashar al-Assad’s torture chamber held prisoners who were forced to perform sick tasks.
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Survivors of the nightmare prison have revealed everything they experienced during their time behind bars, a place “meticulously designed to humiliate, degrade, sicken, starve and ultimately kill those trapped within”.
Many prisoners have shared shocking stories, including the rape in Sednaya, while some were even forced to rape fellow prisoners.
Guards also tortured and beat prisoners as a form of punishment and humiliation, causing some prisoners to suffer lifelong damage, disability, and in some cases death.
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Prison guards at Sednaya Prison beat and tortured prisoners.
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According to a 2017 Amnesty report, the cell floors of the demented area were covered in the blood and pus of injured prisoners, and the bodies of the dead were collected by guards every morning.
Prison staff also deprived prisoners of food, water, medicine and medical care. The times the food was delivered, it was thrown on the floor where it was mixed with bodily fluids that had to be swallowed.
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Prisoners were deprived of basic needs, including food and water.
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Former prisoners have revealed that mass hangings in the prison also occurred once or twice a week, in the middle of the night. Inmates were led to believe they were being transferred to another prison, but were instead beaten and then hanged.
A former judge who witnessed the hangings in the Amnesty report recalled: ‘They held them [hanging] there for 10 to 15 minutes. Some didn’t die because they are light. For the little ones, their weight wouldn’t kill them.”
Prisoners in the building would also hear the brutal crackdown.
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“Hamid”, a former military officer arrested in 2011, said: “If you put your ears to the ground you could hear the sound of a kind of gurgling. This would last for about 10 minutes… We slept on top of the noise of people choking. That was normal for me at the time.”
Lynn Maalouf, deputy director for investigations at Amnesty International’s regional office in Beirut, said at the time: “The horrors described in this report reveal a hidden, monstrous campaign, authorized by the highest levels of the Syrian government, aimed at putting down any form of dissent within the Syrian population.
“We demand that the Syrian authorities immediately stop extrajudicial killings, torture and inhuman treatment in Sednaya Prison and all other government prisons across Syria. Russia and Iran, the administration’s closest allies, must push for an end to this murderous detention policy.”
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Prisoners in the ‘Human Slaughterhouse’ were also hanged.
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As Syrian rebels moved toward the capital last week, they freed prisoners from every prison they came across, claiming most residents were political prisoners of the brutal Assad regime.
It comes as President Assad’s luxurious underground network of tunnels was discovered during raids after the disgraced politician fled the country following a 13-year civil war and decades of his family’s autocratic rule.
Millions of Syrians have fled Assad’s brutal and murderous regime since the civil war began in 2011, the majority of them ending up in refugee camps in Turkey and Jordan.
Others have since settled in Europe, with a majority therein Germany.
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Assad fled Syria after a brutal rule.
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Assad is said to have boarded a plane to Moscow on Sunday when Vladimir Putin offered him shelter. It was reported that the plane may have crashed or been shot down – this has since been dismissed by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
Meanwhile, President Joe Biden hailed Assad’s defeat, calling it a “moment of historic opportunity.”
“Finally, the Assad regime has fallen,” Biden said at the White House.