
How Fuzzy Peas’ athletic past prepared him for the masked singer

Michael Becker/Fox

This message contains spoilers for The masked singer Season 13, episode 2.

The masked singer‘s Fuzzy peas, now revealed as Oscar de la HoyaDid a rare performance out – all four panel members of the show Stomp.

Prior to his unmasking on Wednesday, February 19, the episode of the FOX Competition Series, De la Hoya, 52, did not come to the spirit of Jenny McCarthyRita OraKnow Jeong or Robin Thicke. Instead, the group advised a variety of other celebrities, including Antonio Banderas And John Leguizamo.

“When they threw away these names, I thought: ‘Okay, wait, are they coming close? Will they get warmer or colder? “” De la Hoya only reminds himself of US Weekly. “When they said Antonio Banderas, I thought,” Oh, wait a minute. ” … I believe they have called the Oscars or something like that.

How fuzzy pea athletic past prepared him for the masked singer
Kevork Djansezian/Getty images

There was a big hint in the first designation package of Fuzzy Peas that the jury members did not seem to be approaching, which noticed that he is’ known for [his] Hits, some of them grammy nominated. “The” hits “in question are a reference to his legendary boxing career at one level, but De la Hoya also earned a Grammy nod in 2001 for his only album.

“Music is in my blood,” he said Us. “My mother was a professional singer. So when they asked me, I naturally had something like: ‘Yes, please sign up. This will be very nice. ” ‘

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De la Hoya appeared earlier The masked dancer In 2021, ending in fourth place. After his revelation, he says The masked singer Was more difficult, even though he came in with a singing experience.

“With dancing you can have a choreographer and they can teach you a few movements, and you can make it, right? But with singing it is your voice, “he explained. “You throw your voice and you can practice, but I was not born to sing. I was born to fight. So I was doing more nervous The masked singer Because it was out of my element. ‘

Despite those first nerves, he immediately felt at home when he came up with the stage, partly because the experience reminded him of the way he approached boxing matches earlier in his career.

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“It’s funny, because when I am in the dressing room, prepare me to board the ring for 20,000 people, you are prepared,” he said Us. “As soon as the first bell rings, it is not busy. You are focused. So when I was a backstage and turned on my fuzzy peas, you are nervous, you are petrified. But once you are on stage, it is like: ‘Ok, boom, light on. Let’s go. Let’s perform. “And that’s what made it fun. You are nervous, but once that switch ends, you just have a blast. “

Although De la Hoya does not think that he will soon release another album, he can set his fuzzy pea carbonades to work in the local Karaoke bar.

“I will go for someone, I don’t care. Let’s go, “he said and noticed that his go-to number is the first to perform on the show ‘La Bamba’ by Ritchie Valens. “Boxing has literally prepared me a bit for the stage of The masked singer In a sense, because when I went behind the mask there, I felt that I was in my element. ‘

The masked singer is broadcast on FOX Wednesday at 8 p.m.

See also  The Masked Singer Season 13 Episode 2 Summary: Fuzzy Peas Unveiled

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