broadcasts two Super Bowl -advertisements

The two advertisements are entitled “Not saying that we are the best”, which broadcast in the first quarter, and “still not saying that we are the best”, which is broadcast in the third quarter.
Both places are directed by Taika Waititi and spokesperson than Levy. Levy appears in the advertisements next to CO-star Heidi Gardner, with a cameo from Morgan Freeman.
The two commercials have a levy as head of and Gardner as his top manager. They meet their business lawyer to work on a marketing campaign to say that “ is the best home shoping site”, but their lawyer objects to those who submit the claim, so they offer creative ways to mention their claim, such As due to interpretative dance. The second advertisement is concluded with Freeman who says that is the best site for shopping.
“We believe that it is clear that is the best home shopping website everywhere, but our lawyers have told us, although it is true, we cannot legally say that in an advertisement,” Andy Florance, the founder and CEO of Costar Group, said in a statement. So we turn to the very best talent in RPA, Taika Waititi, Dan Levy, Heidi Gardner and Morgan Freeman to not tell the world that is the best. When Morgan Freeman says it, who can say it is not? “
This effort comes only a year later started his $ 1 billion marketing campaign with three places in the Super Bowl. According to the company, this campaign has driven 110 million average monthly unique visitors to the network in the past year, according to Google Analytics Data for the last tax quarter. In January 2024, claims that his network has registered 114 million unique visitors. Moreover, the awareness of the company of the company from the brand rose from 4% to 33%. says that it is planning to continue to build up the awareness of the brand by using the advertisements after the Super Bowl about television, video streaming, digital, social and audio sales points.
Costar Group came on fire in the summer of 2024 for claims that had done it in earlier advertisements about his traffic numbers, including that it ‘had double the traffic ”