Gonzaga men’s basketball team jet nearly collides with outbound plane, FAA investigates

A charter plane carrying the Gonzaga men’s basketball team was just feet away from being destroyed by an outbound plane this weekend… and the near-collision was all caught on video.
Check out footage from LAX around 4:30 PM on Friday… you can see the Bulldogs’ Embraer E135 plane taxiing to the gate after landing in Los Angeles, a Delta flight taking off on a nearby runway, and the two planes arriving so close that an air traffic controller even had to tell the Zags’ pilot to stop.
Fortunately, the two avoided each other… but the FAA said so in a statement anyway TMZ Sports The situation will be investigated on Monday.
As for Gonzaga — which ultimately made it safely to its game against UCLA in LA on Saturday night — school officials told us Monday they are also reviewing the matter.
“Our team members on board the aircraft were unaware of the situation when it occurred,” the university said, “and we are grateful that the incident ended safely for everyone.”
The Zags ultimately lost to the Bruins, 65-62… but luckily for them, they won’t have to board another plane for a while – as they’ll play Pepperdine in Malibu on Monday night.