
Former Harvard classmate says he bought a gram of cocaine from RFK Jr.

Author Kurt Andersen accused RFK Jr., son of the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy, of being a drug dealer during their college years in the 1970s.

Andersen made the claims in a scathing column for The Atlantic, in which he claimed he purchased cocaine from the former independent candidate and his brother. Joseph P Kennedy IIfor $40 in a dorm room.

He wrote: “It was a lot of money, the equivalent of $300 today. But cocaine bought from a Kennedy accompanied by a Kennedy brother – the moment of glamor seemed worth it.”

The author inadvertently left the dormitory with a straw used to taste the cocaine, causing Kennedy to demand its return.

Anderson explained, “I walked it back to his room. He didn’t smile or say thank you. It was the last time I ever bought a Coke from anyone.”

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