Final offer acquires off-market lists Platform Private collection

A month after launching his new private exclusive entries (PX) function, agent-driven offer, negotiating and collaboration platform Final offer has acquired Private collectionA source of mentioning information for off-market properties.
Financial conditions of the deal were not disclosed. The final offer said that the addition of private collection adds more than $ 1 billion in off-market inventory to its platform.
“The acquisition of Private collection speeds up the market share of the final offer of Enterprise Brokerage customers who want to offer their agents a tool to share off-market lists within their brokerage and their customers and potential customers,” said the final offer in a prepared explanation. “With full integration in final offer, buyers agents can share and comment on exclusive offers and then make offers and seamlessly negotiate the transaction within one integrated platform.”
Final offer, an HW 2025-Tech winner, enables agents to give their buyers early access to pre-market listings within their broker, which gives them a competitive advantage when buying property before reaching the broader market. The PropTech Startup said that customers of private collections and their sellers will now be able to ‘receive offers, to prevent and accept and to accept a buy-it-now option (the final button for offer) within the final offer Use, so that buyers can buy a property without the risk of losing. “
With the exclusive mention function, properties can be brought on the market twice – as an exclusive pre -market list, and then “possibly to use the open market before or after the first offer has the widest possible exposure,” the company said.
The acquisition and launch of PX is amid one debate over the National Association of Realtors’ Clear cooperation policy, for which brokers must be mentioned in a real estate on the MLS within 24 hours of marketing.
The Proptech company established in Massachusetts has made various other acquisitions. In July 2024, the final offer has the North -American activities of OpenN negotiation – Another negotiating platform and offer platform that operated in Canada.
The company has raised almost $ 16 million in investments from the second century and more than 100 real estate professionals since it was established in January 2021. It is currently active in 11 American states and in Canada.