Elvis and Priscilla Presley have a “previously unknown grandchild” who lives in Florida, court documents show

Kruse said in the filing: “Presley’s cousin, who currently lives with her in California, also maintains a residence in Florida.
“In January 2023, Presley signed a five-year residential lease in Orlando, Florida, with the intention of finding and owning a permanent home in Florida.
“Presley was looking for a permanent home in the Palm Beach area. Presley demanded that her belongings be transferred to Florida, where they were stored for her at no charge to help facilitate the move.”
She added: “Presley visited Florida repeatedly to explore housing options, including in August 2022, January 2023, March 2023 and June 2023.
“On January 7, 2023, she traveled to Palm Beach to meet with the former president Donald Trump in his hometown there.
Presley visited Florida on November 11, 2023 to attend an event for the Victoria’s Voice Foundation, a foundation founded by David and Jackie Siegel for substance abuse awareness and prevention. Presley has been to Florida repeatedly in the year before the complaint was originally filed was submitted and still visits regularly.”