Early Tupac Shakur numbers and Sell texts for $ 250,000

Tupac Shakur
Not -recorded recordings can be completely yours …
For $ 250k !!!
Tupac ShakurThe extensive posthumous catalog can become even bigger … If a hardcore collectors have the money to excavate some of his pre-dood driving records !!!
Momentsintime.com Sells the texts and audio capsule of not -issued Tupac music that came from the end of 1990 to the beginning of 1991, when the Late Rap -Martelaar was recruited for his budding talent.
Tupac composed and recorded a non -released album for a group called Jesse and the Kidz … that never fell because of the non -specific death of one of the band members.
Mr Makaveli himself recommends three of the songs of the ghost album as the main singer, and the lyrics still have to go to see daylight … Although you can take a look at some sample magazines.
The Tupac Treasure will give you a cool $ 250,000 and is available only For private sale.

That means you can listen to the content of your heart, but you have to come together with the Tupac estate – which controls distribution – if you want to release it publicly.
There will be no more “Tailor -made freestyles” On their watch !!!