
Donald Trump’s Secret Files Order ‘contains mass national secrets’

The files on the JFKRobert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Killings, The Jeffrey Epstein Papers, plus documents on 9/11 and the existence of UFOs are set to be exposed – despite warnings, the secrets from the inside may contain weapons that can explode gaps in the way the nation’s ghosts have been in the nation for decades in the Shadow work.

The murder of President John F. Kennedy alone has produced more conspiracy theories than perhaps any incident in history.

On November 22, 1963 he drove through the center of Dallas when he was shot.

The official stated that Oswald, an outcast, former American navy and communist, killed Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.

The Warren Commission report published in 1964 concluded this and said that Oswald had acted alone.

It also concluded that Jack Ruby only acted when he killed Oswald two days after the death of Kennedy.

However, there are dozens of alternative theories, including that the CIA killed the president, the Mafia orchestrated the Mafia, or that Cuba was behind it – all of which could be exposed in Trump’s files.

The murder has been the subject of countless Hollywood films, documentaries and books, while polls have consistently demonstrated that a majority of Americans do not believe that Oswald has acted alone and there was a second shooter.

Another important topic in the files will be Martin Luther King JRshot on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, in April 1968. He was 39.

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James Earl Ray, a small career criminal, was sentenced for the murder and sentenced to 99 years in prison.

However, the King family has long maintained that Ray was a scapegoat.

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