Congressman Al Green removed from Trump’s joint session from the congress

Al Green, an American representative from the 9th Congress District of Texas, was removed from the joint session of President Trump’s congress after repeatedly interrupted from the president’s speech.
Only a few minutes after President Trump’s speech, Green got up from his chair and shouted: “You have no mandate to cut Medicaid”, encouraging angry from the Republican side of the congress hall. Republicans then started singing, “vs, US, US”, as Green shouted to President Trump again, “You don’t have the right to cut Medicaid.”
Trump tried to continue his speech, but the noisy discourse continued and forced house speaker Mike Johnson to give a warning: “Members are instructed to maintain and retain the decorum in the house and to retain further disruptions. That is your warning. Members are working on intentional and continuous violation of the decorum, and the chair is willing to send the sergeant to weapons to restore order to the joint session. ”
Despite the warning, Green refused to resolve and again stated that the 47th president “has no mandate to lower Medicaid.” Johnson quickly called on the sergeant to remove Green from the joint session, which evoked some republicans to sing the chorus of the steam track of 1969: “After hey hey kiss we see him.”
The protests of Green were a response to a budget determination that received support from home republicans. It requires $ 880 billion in cuts in the coming decade, which requires significant cuts on the Medicaid program.
When leaving the joint session, Green told reporters: “I have people who are very anxious. These are poor people, and they only have medicaid in their lives when it comes to healthcare. I do [Trump] To note that his budget requires deep cuts in Medicaid. He has to save medicaid [and] Protect it. We must increase the limit on social security, there is a possibility that it will be injured and we must protect Medicare. These are the safety network programs that people in my congress district depend on. “