Comedian Ken Flores had congestive heart failure, tried to get healthy

Comedian Ken Flores
Oxygen tanks found in the house
Trying to lose weight, becoming healthy for a heart attack
We learn more about the sudden death of comedian Ken FloresThat Wednesday at the age of 28 died in his La -house … he had had to deal with heart problems, and tragically he had actively tried to become healthy before he died.
Legal enforcement and sources near Flores tell TMZ … Ken had been suffering from congestive heart failure for a long time and had been in and out of hospitals for the past two years.
Ken had lost weight and tried to get healthy … But we were told that he had used oxygen – and oxygen tanks were found in his home yesterday.
With congestive heart failure, pumping blood through the body cannot keep up with the need – and blood eventually comes back, with liquid that accumulates in the arms, legs and lungs.
As we told you … One of the friends of Ken found him in his house after he had experienced a cardiac arrest and called 911, carried out CPR on him until paramedics arrived. He was Death pronounced on the spot.
No medicines have been found and no false game is suspected, sources tell us.
Ken’s family shared the news of his death online and asked for privacy. Ken had started a comedy tour just earlier this month.
The office of the medical researcher of Los Angeles County has completed the autopsy and will now wait until the toxicological test comes back to release the cause and way of Flores’ death.