
Celebrities who have shared their miscarriage stories: Beyonce and more

On her podcast ‘I Choose Me With Jennie Garth’: Jennie Garth and her husband, Dave Abramsspoke about her heartbreaking miscarriages after their marriage.

The star said: “I felt really down on myself, really ashamed, feeling like I let you down.”

Abrams revealed that they became pregnant the same month they exchanged vows at her home in Los Olivos, California, in July 2015, but received sad news four months later.

Garth and Abrams suffered the same heartbreak again due to another miscarriage, which required her to undergo a dilation and curettage procedure.

Speaking about her ex-husband, she said: “I couldn’t bear a pregnancy with you, who I loved. And I had been given these three beautiful daughters. Peter Facinelliand you had stepped in and become such a wonderful stepfather to them.

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