Bowen Yang as New Jersey Drone sings ‘Defying Gravity’

During the year’s final episode of “Saturday Night Live,” cast member Bowen Yang showed up at the “Weekend Update” desk dressed as one of the drones spotted over New Jersey skies — which, as co-host Michael Che explained , caused the FAA to issue “temporary flight restrictions” for the state.
“Wow, indoors,” Yang said as the drone. “Different.”
“So, how are you?” Che asked. “Or should I say: What are you?”
Yang replied, “No, look, we are not I’m going to do that. I know what I am, and I don’t have to explain myself to anyone at any time or for any reason.
“Okay, but who’s checking you out?” Che said.
‘Who’s in control YouMichael?” Yang hit back. “People say, ‘Is a UFO? Is it a drone? Is it promo for SNL 50?’ In the meantime, I’ll just mind my own business, hover over people’s houses and maybe film them.
“Dude, why are you in New Jersey?” Che asked. ‘Um, why is that so? everyone in New Jersey?” Yang replied. “Oh yes, because there is beautiful nature and good schools! Yes! I bet you thought I was going to make a cheap “Sopranos” joke. No, people live there, have some respect.”
“They say these sightings are just manned aircraft,” Che said.
“Okay, what’s this obsession with whether I’m manned or not?” Yang asked. ‘To be clear, I can have a man whenever I want. Believe me, there is no problem there. Manned, unmanned, I make sure it works.”
“Go ahead, ask me who I prefer to have sex with,” Yang continued. “They’re helicopters, okay? I like them because they look like me, but they are bigger and louder. And they book a lot of TV work. “I’m dating the helicopter from ‘Succession,’ if you’re sure.”
Yang then complained about how people are shooting lasers at him and hiding their children. “I feel like Elphaba, I really do,” Yang said, recalling the heroine of “Wicked” – the movie musical in which he also stars. So of course he launched into a drone-inspired rendition of “Defying Gravity,” complete with green lighting. “Okay, I’ll be the bad guy. I’m the one you want, that’s it me!” Yang shouted, mimicking the lyrics of the impressive song from the hit film.
“If you want to find me, look at the Jersey sky!” Yang sang with gusto, before referencing Bethenny Frankel’s to inform about the drones. “As Bethenny recently told you, drones are orbs and plasmoids that can fly!” Then Yang moved to the end of the song: “And no one, in all Jerz, no Bethenny that is or werz, will ever bring me down!”
Martin Short will host the episode with Hozier as musical guest. You can watch the clip below: