Angelina Jolie says she got a matching tattoo from her 16-year-old daughter

Angelina Jolie and her daughter Vivienne are forever ‘Outsiders’… permanently painted themselves with matching tattoos that reference the successful Broadway musical they worked on together.
The actress revealed her matching tattoos during an interview with CR fashion book …saying that the two had “Stay Gold” — an iconic line from “The Outsiders” and a song title from the Broadway show — written on their bodies.
Angelina says the show – the first Broadway play she produced and the first show her child had a job in – means a lot to them both, collectively and individually… and they wanted to commemorate this achievement.
In case you’re curious… Jolie’s tattoo is on her wrist, but she didn’t specify where Vivienne decided to place her own tattoo.
It’s worth noting that Vivienne is 16 years old, so she definitely needed her parents’ permission to get this tattoo. Easy to get when your mom is sitting in the chair next to you, we guess.
We told you all about ‘The Outsiders’ and Vivienne’s role in getting her mother to support it. Remember, Angelina’s father Jon Voight says Vivienne convinced her mother to go to San Diego to see the original production… and it ultimately led to AJ getting a producer role. She won a Tony when the show won
Vivienne worked as part of the show’s crew… and was featured in the Playbill under the name Vivienne Jolie — drop the “Pitt” of her last name.
It’s safe to say that Vivienne feels much closer to mom Angelina than she does to dad Brad Pitt these days…and you have to say their relationship remains the gold standard!