A look into self-exiled Prince Harry’s sad struggle to return to the royal family

“The royal family wants him to stay on the A-1,” says international tax expert Clayton Cartwright explained to the Daily mail about Harry’s type of visa. “I think they agree that he should remain at an A-1. Once he has consulted with tax advisors, he will remain at an A-1.”
He added, “The A-1 is his golden ticket. If he’s on an A-1, he can stay here (in the US) forever. for diplomats, it is good diplomatic practice that not only Prince Harry’s foreign assets remain private, but also other royal family assets on which he is listed.
With Harry’s journey across America already difficult, this might not be the smartest move. “All those entanglements that probably exist between the royal family and its finances should be made public. If you said you wouldn’t make it public because it’s the royal family, there would be a huge backlash,” Cartwright made clearly.