
Kellyanne Conway and Meghan McCain Feud has ‘boiled over’ after argument

The couple was featured on a panel at The Washington Post’s Global Women’s Summit after the election, and after the debate ended, Conway made his way to McCain in the green room to confront her about his historic comments she made about her marriage with former husband George Conway. which she called “gross” during one segment The view.

An eyewitness said: “Kellyanne walked up to Meghan and said, ‘I wasn’t going to say this while I was on the mic, but remember what you said about me and my marriage on The view?

“You called my marriage ‘gross’.”

Conway, 57, and McCain, 40, had not debated each other directly on the panel, adding to the surprise for the witnesses. There was a confrontation, although Conway sometimes appeared combative with the moderator and the audience, some witnesses said.

Conway was heard telling McCain, “Do you realize what you said and what you did? Do you realize all the people you hurt?”

McCain, who resigned The view in 2021 and is now a podcaster, seemed shocked by the confrontation, which lasted a few minutes, and was eager to leave. Friends said she was later “shaking” with emotion.

According to The everyday beastthe witness added, “I heard Meghan say to her, ‘I don’t remember what I said that hurt you.’

“Meghan said it made her uncomfortable, but that just seemed to make it worse.”

McCain walked away from Conway, who seemed unfazed.

The witness said: “Meghan looked shocked and was just trying to get away.”

The political divisions and tensions within Conway’s family played out publicly, especially on social media, during Donald Trump’s first presidency.

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While Conway was in the Oval Office advising the 78-year-old Trump as an adviser to the president, her husband George and eldest daughter Claudia were almost incessantly tweeting and TikToking their dissenting opinions.

At one point, Claudia said she wanted to emancipate herself from her mother, while her father did just that, divorcing his wife of 22 years in 2023, with whom he shares four children. Claudia, now 20, and her mother have reconciled personally, although they remain at odds politically.

Conway said: “I waited until the cameras and microphones were off to privately and calmly address the very public insults against my family.”

Conway added, “Maybe she wants to avoid her recent past as a long-time resident Mean girl on the view and Bravo, where her mouth was a spout of vile and bile thrown at people and topics she doesn’t know, including my marriage and children, and casually lied about silly things like me calling her (I don’t have her number). “

McCain said: “It was a bizarre experience and certainly not what I expected when I accepted an invitation to speak at an event hosted by The Washington Post and Tina Brown.

“The only reason their marriage was ever a hot topic was because they constantly aired their dirty laundry to America.”

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