
President Trump was ‘terrified’ to bump into Gavin Newsom in 2024

Trump soon gained faith against Newsom after his overwhelming election night victory, and when Los Angeles was recently destroyed by forest fires, the president clearly pointed out a finger on his archenemy – even donated him with one of his characteristic nicknames – “Newscum.”

Trump wrote: “Governor Gavin Newscum refused to sign the water recovery statement to be signed for him that would have allowed millions of liters of water, from surplus rain and snow melting from the north, to flow daily to many parts of California, including the areas currently burning in an almost apocalyptic way.

“He wanted to protect an essentially worthless fish that was called a melt, by giving it less water (it didn’t work!), But didn’t care about the people of California. Now the Ultimate price is paid. “

He further claimed: “I will demand that this incompetent governor allows beautiful, clean, fresh water to flow in California! He is the debt for this. Moreover, there is no water for fire hydrants, no fire control aircraft. A real disaster. “

Trump added later: “One of the best and most beautiful parts of the United States of America is burning on the ground. It is AS and Gavin Newscum. This is all his fault !!!”

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