Meghan Markle ‘Set for very clumsy fairs with new neighbor Jennifer Aniston’

Another insider added: “Meghan loves the iconic role of Jen in friends and her romantic comedies, while she also admires her as a fierce advocate for important causes. For Meghan there is no one else that she could rather chat to bring the world to rights.
“But here is the turn: despite her persistent requests for an introduction by mutual acquaintances, JEN always seemed too busy with that 90-minute commuting from Bel Air to Montecito.
“Now that Jen will soon be established, there is hope that she can finally take that leap and hang around with Meghan. However, the pressure is on … Meghan tries to improve her star power in Hollywood, and if Jen turns this opportunity, it might just crush Meghan.”
Markle Builds the Avengers-style team while she merges her attack on Tinseltown-because she is’ deeply sad “, her post-megxit life does not include that she will be one A-list player.
Markle and her Royal Turncoat, Armist Prince Harry would be destroyed at the mixed reception they have received in Los Angeles, has already revealed.
When they came in to help after the La Wildfires, they were accused of mounting cynical PR stunts.
Now she collects a powerbase with big names, because her new Netflix show is about to go live, plus her lifestyle brand, as always.
Insiders say that Markle has realized that its bridges in the United Kingdom have been thoroughly burned that it must form their new own strength base.