
Career struggles and alimony cut

The life and career of Pamela Bach took a big dive in the years prior to her tragic death.

The Baywatch Star, who died at the age of 62 on 5 March of a apparent shot wound, fought against a “left behind” Hollywood career and succeeded en masse alimony control of her ex-husband David Hasselhoff, Radaronline.com.

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Source: Mega

Bach claimed that she had tried to get acting performances at the age of 55, but thought it was almost impossible.

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In 2017, a desirable PAM was forced to apply a large change of life after her film star ex-husband, with whom she had been married for 17 years, in halve her payments for marital support.

The Hoff proudly about his victory, where he told the judge that he had already given his ex for almost $ 3 million in alimony and it was time for her to get a job.

The judge was partially agreed, with PAM’s monthly support cut from $ 10,000 to $ 5,000.

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Pamela Bach's daughter discovered mother's body after apparent suicide
Source: @Hasselhoff/Instagram

The actress was found dead on Wednesday evening in her house with a self -inflicted shot wound.

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The decision came after Bach had already went to court in an attempt to keep her payments of $ 10,000 a month.

At the time 55 are, the Sirenes Star said it was almost impossible to find new work in Hollywood.

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In legal documents, Bach claimed that she had made “good faith and reasonable efforts” to secure acting performances – but finding success was almost impossible, given the “current market for actresses”.

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Bach also insisted that she devoted her prime years to managing her and the house of Hoff and raising their two daughters, allowing her ex to concentrate on his career.

But the actor was never on board and said only a year earlier: “I am at an age in which I would have to prepare for my retirement and don’t have to continue working to pay support.”

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Although Bach passed significant struggles in the years prior to her death, her last months seemed full of love – especially with the arrival of her new granddaughter, London.

The social media of the actress were the most recently filled with joyful messages that celebrated her growing family, and expressed that she was overwhelmed with “Happy Tears” and “Barresting of Joy”.

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Pamela Bach
Source: Mega

Bach and her ex Hasselhoff, who share two daughters, played together on Knight Rider and Baywatch.

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In a final post just a few weeks before her death, Bach even wished 2025 to be a year of health and happiness.

She wrote: “Happy New Year, everyone! While we walk in 2025, my heart is full of gratitude, especially for my dear Grandfrail, London. Seeing her grow and seeing her smiles light up, my world is really the biggest blessing.

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Bach was found dead on Wednesday evening at her house of $ 2 million Hollywood Hills.

Neighbors have since reminded the horrible scene after looking at the first responds who rush around 9 p.m.

Eyewitness Hiromi Osiecki said they saw a distraught young woman-enhanced to be the youngest daughter of the ex-Couple, Hayley, 32-the house in and out “screaming and crying” went in and out.

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The neighbor said to the outlet: “She was hysterical, screaming, screaming, crying on the street. She cried and said:” I just want to get my car. “

Osiecki said that the police were trying to ‘comfort’ the daughter of Bach after she entered the house.

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They added: “A little later she came out with the police. I heard her cry and someone tried to comfort her. The police tried to bring her to the house and close the door, but the door was opened. She was in and out a few times.

“We couldn’t see what was going on in the house, but when she came out, she cried like crazy.”


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Hayley Hasselhoff
Source: @Hasselhoff/Instagram

Neighbors remembered that they saw a young woman considering Bach’s daughter ‘crying’ and ‘screaming’ outside.

Bach’s neighbors reminded himself for the last time and saw her on Monday evening while she pulled out the waste.

Osiecki noticed: “I felt that she looked sad.”

The husband of Osiecki, John, said her death was “shocking.”

He added: “She was talkative. She would talk to many people when she walked with her dogs. She didn’t seem like the type of person who would like to kill suicide.”

As Radaronline.com reported, no suicide sheet had been left on the spot.

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