
Britney betrays Danielle, FaithFuls Win Season 3

Spoiler alert: This article contains large spoilers from the final of season 3 of ‘The Traitors’, which now streams on Peacock.

The last five fought for the prize in the final of Thursday of ‘The Traitors’ season 3: recruited traitor Britney Haynes, Dolores Catania, Dylan Efron, Gabby Windey and Ivar Mountbats – after they had banned the original traitor Danielle Reyes.

The episode opened exactly where the last one had stayed – Britney was forced to decide the fate of Danielle in the round table after Danielle and Ivar were bound in voices during the penultimate exile. Dylan and Gabby voted to banish Danielle, but Dolores voted for Ivar. The definitive mood came down to Britney, who had grown close to her “Big Brother”-star Danielle during the competition and after Danielle had recramed her as a traitor after she had called in her fellow remover Carolyn Wiger.

In a shocking revelation, Britney voted to banish Danielle and to turn on her traitor teammate in a backstabbing turn that reflected their time together on ‘Big Brother’. Danielle was awe, and on the way to the outside thanked and complimented everyone … apart from her fellow -and just said, “Britney, wow.”

“I said that I would come into this game and play in all possible ways for my family, and of course I am definitely a traitor,” said Danielle in her exit speech. In her interview then she admitted: “I feel stupid because I didn’t think Britney would be the nail in my coffin … I should have killed her!”

Euan Cherry/Peacock

Britney was then unveiled as the seer, the participant with the power to learn the true identity of one person in the house. She chose Gabby and was honest against the group the next morning that Gabby was a loyalty.

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Dylan immediately became suspicious of Britney, because Danielle was so angry with her when she was banned. While he went into the last round table, Britney could see that he was in front of her lap, so she came to fight and tried to turn the suspicion of him. The things were very heated between the couple, but in the end Britney was proclaimed by the group. She could not reveal her identity while she left, and the last four went to the fire of the truth – but they were not sure if they were all religious.

Gabby, Dylan, Dolores and Ivar had options. If they unanimously choose to end the game because they believed that all four were faithful, they would split $ 204,300. But if there were a traitors among them, the traitor would take it all. If one player voted to continue the game and to banish another person, believing that there was a traitor, the group had to do that. (Of course, as we saw in the final of season 2, two faithfulness could also work together to get more money and to vote someone else, that is, what CT Tamburello and Trishelle Cannatella did with MJ Javid.)

In a bit of a non-dramatic ending, all four players chose to end the game, which means that they have also won and distributed the prize money. Strangely enough, in the season with the most gamers of ‘Survivor’, ‘Big Brother’ and beyond, none of them could reach the end and the most faithful in the history of the American show was victorious.

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