Casey Anthony’s new legal advocacy is a coupon, says Nancy Grace

Nancy Grace
Casey Anthony Legal Advocacy is a coupon !!!
Nancy Grace mock Casey AnthonyThe new career – pursuit – killed her new legal advocacy as a shameless cash grip and insist that the focus should remain on Casey’s murdered daughter, Caylee.
TMZ spoke with Nancy and she did not suggest it – tells us that Casey is just looking for a payment day and reached for everyone’s pockets. But what is most amazed by her is the fact that so many people have already registered for Casey’s replacement to follow her advice.

Watch the video nancy on Casey, so that everyone “remembers” her so-calledlegal expertise“The stomach is to be tried for murder. She also makes it crystal clear – acting as a lawyer and handing out legal advice for money is illegal. Casey announced its new substit in a Tiktok video this week.
Regarding Nancy’s most important care … she brings it all back to court for Caylee, who was 2 years old when she was murdered – and everyone reminded everyone of the creepy details of her tragic murder.
Caylee disappeared in June ’08 and her remains were found months later, which caused a media fire storm that only became more intense during Casey’s process.
Casey was not found guilty of murder, manslaughter and child abuse in July 2011 – but Nancy tells us that someone who gives Casey, even a cent that in fact still votes a “not guilty” in her favor.
It is a sentiment that is displayed by a retired court Belvin Perry Jr.who provided the notorious test. He says she is not only on making cold, hard money – she is too fame After having been out of the spotlight for so long.