OpenAI launches $50M grant program to help fund academic research

Openi on Monday announced a consortium, NextgenaiFocused on supporting AI-supported research on top universities.
NextGenai, whose 15 founding academic partners include Harvard, the University of Oxford and MIT, will be financed with $ 50 million in research grants, calculation financing and API access of OpenAi, the company said. Students, educators and researchers are eligible to receive prizes that will be distributed in the coming months.
“This initiative was not only built to feed the next generation of discoveries, but also to prepare the next generation for the future of AI,” Openai wrote in a blog post. “NextGenai is designed to support the scientist who is looking for a remedy, the scholar who discovers new insights and the student who controls AI for the world for us […] While we learn from this initiative, we are investigating opportunities to expand its reach and impact. “
NextGenai, which positions OpenAi as an extensive dedication to education, after the launch of his Chatgpt Edu Product for universities last May, comes at a precarious time for AI research grants in the US in recent weeks, the Trump administration has Reportedly Disapped a number of employees from the National Science Foundation that were out of hand opted for their expertise in AI, which threatened the ability of the agency to support the most important AI work.
NextGenai can help to promote critical work with AI. However, OpenAi is not exactly a neutral party in the AI room. The startup probably hopes that researchers, teachers and students are used to the AI offer at the expense of tools of rivals, including open-source alternatives.