Real estate

15 Facebook Groups Every Realtor Should Join Today

While new social media platforms seem to be popping up all the time, Facebook remains a proven platform for real estate agents to grow their business in a variety of ways. Joining and communicating with groups of fellow real estate agents on Facebook should be an important tool in every real estate agent’s toolbox. Why? You can network and build a community with other real estate agents around the world, stay up to date on the latest industry trends, stay motivated when you feel discouraged, learn directly from some of the top real estate leaders, and possibly even find new clients!

Here are our top 15 Facebook groups for real estate agents that we recommend you visit, plus a few suggestions for other types of Facebook groups to look for.”

1. Lab coat officers

Lab Coat Agents, one of the first and largest real estate Facebook groups, was founded 10 years ago by top agents and real estate trainers Tristan Ahumada and Nick Baldwin. It is a very active group with over 165,000 members and dozens of daily posts. The content varies from inspiring/motivational messages to questions from members. LCA’s tagline is ‘exploring the science of real estate’, and you’ll find plenty of advice on technology here. It’s also one of the most entertaining groups.

2. Canva made easy for real estate

Canva Made Easy for Real Estate – Facebook Group Cover Image

“Just use Canva!” is probably the most clichéd real estate marketing advice of the decade. Sure, Canva is “easy,” but even simple software can have a steep learning curve if you’re not a tech geek. The Canva Made Easy For Real Estate group is an ideal place to learn how to use Canva, share templates, and discover new ways to improve your marketing materials. Many real estate agents use Canva to cut their marketing budgets in half.

3. Networking and social media tips for real estate agents

Real Estate Networking and Social Media Tips Facebook Group Cover Image

The Realtor Networking & Social Media Tips Facebook group, founded by social media marketing wunderkind Natalie Ridderbos, has more than 108,000 agents. It is also one of the most active real estate groups on Facebook with more than 10 posts per day. It’s an ideal group for agents who want to share social media marketing tips or just chat with fellow agents.

4. Real estate mastermind

Cover image Real Estate Mastermind Facebook group

Another mega Facebook group is Real Estate Mastermind, with more than 312,000 members. Posts get tons of responses and the comment sections are a gold mine of new ideas, inspiration, information and conversations. Real Estate Mastermind can be a useful resource for answers to frequently asked questions from a large group of experienced real estate agents and brokers. If you don’t want to ask a question yourself, you can use the group search feature to find answers to questions or problems similar to the one you’re trying to solve.

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5. Glover U inner circle

Glover U Inner Circle Facebook cover image for the group

This Facebook group is run by top agent and national coach Jeff Glover and is a great way to get a free taste of the training that GloverU offers. Sure, there’s a bit of ‘selling’ going on here, but there are also useful strategies for finding new customers, as Jeff is a lead generation specialist. Referral requests are common here, so if you visit the group often you may find the opportunity to raise your hand and receive a referral!

6. Introverts in real estate

Cover image of the Facebook group Introverts in Real Estate

This unique group is led by yours truly: coach and self-proclaimed introvert Ashley Harwood. We focus on supporting, encouraging and training introverted real estate agents. We are smaller, with approximately 3,400 members. Our group members and I post regularly, discussing the specific challenges of being an introvert in this industry. Plus, you’ll enjoy the occasional photo of my orange cat, Marty.

7. Referral network and marketing for real estate agents

Cover image for Realtor Referral Network and Marketing Facebook Group

If you’re looking for a Facebook group for referrals, size matters. With more than 300,000 agents nationwide, the Real Estate Referral Network and Marketing Group is the largest referral group on Facebook. While the group takes a more liberal, Wild West approach to referrals than other groups, it is public and does not require you to join a paid referral network.

8. References to Lab Coat Agents

Lab Coat Agents References Facebook Group Cover Image

Want a more targeted referral group? Join lab coat agent referrals. Although it only has about 57,000 members, it is heavily moderated. That means you only get outbound referrals, so you don’t have to dig through dozens of memes and questions to get to the good stuff. Our advice? Join as many referral groups as possible! More groups = more chances to gain an edge.

9. Real estate humor

Cover image for the Facebook group Real Estate Humor

Although the name seems a bit on the nose, the Real Estate Humor group is the largest meme page on Facebook. 188,000+ real estate agents can’t be wrong! Well, you can, but when it comes to finding the spiciest memes to post on social media, the more creative the mind, the better.

10. Generosity Generation with Michael J. Maher

GenerosityGeneration with Michael J Maher cover image for Facebook group

The author of the best-selling book The 7 levels of communication leads this group, which helps real estate agents find business by building relationships. If you want to be inspired with actionable strategies for organizing successful client events, building and leveraging your sphere of influence, and leading with generosity, check out this group.

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11. Winning makes giving

Win Make Give Facebook cover image for the group

This is a companion Facebook group to the podcast of the same name, covering all things health, wealth, leadership, and legacy. It is run by podcast hosts Ben Kinney, Chad Hyams and Bob Stewart. The content is light-hearted and fun yet incredibly meaningful, giving you the urge to go out and make a difference in the world. Although many current group members are active in the real estate sector, people from all sectors are welcome to join.

12. Her best Las

Cover image of her best life Facebook group

Her Best Life is another small but mighty Facebook group for real estate agents (or people in any industry for that matter). This group focuses on supporting influential female leaders. Inside you’ll find inspiring stories, advice from top producing agents and real estate leaders, as well as referral opportunities. As a member of this group you feel part of a close-knit community.

13. Empowering women in real estate

Cover image of Facebook group Empowering Women in Real Estate

The Empowering Women in Real Estate group was founded by real estate agent Karen Cooper as a safe place to share ideas, challenges and inspiration for women in the real estate industry. It’s an ideal group for agents who want to share their experiences, get advice, or just vent about the state of the industry – minus the mansplaining. 😉

14. The official BiggerPockets group

A Facebook group page header for the official BiggerPockets Group.

For agents looking to invest in real estate themselves or work with real estate investors (or both), I recommend checking out the BiggerPockets Facebook group. If you are new to the investing world, you will learn a lot by simply reading other people’s questions and the answers they receive. If you have any questions about investing yourself, this is the perfect place to ask them and tap into the group’s brain trust.

15. Emily Peckham’s FSBO Mastermind Group

A Facebook group page header for Emily Peckham's FSBO Mastermind Group.

A dedicated group for agents who work with For Sale By Owner sellers, packed with tips and strategies for finding and converting FSBO leads more effectively. Learn from other real estate agents and get insider information about what works and what doesn’t work – in real time. Also post your own questions and objections that you receive.

Other Facebook groups to explore

Here are some other types of Facebook groups you should look up and explore to meet new clients, discover hidden properties coming to market in your area, or network within your real estate agent or broker brand.

Every city/town has at least one local Facebook group dedicated to community. Many cities have multiple groups. Join and get involved in your local groups by posting and commenting, positioning yourself as a local expert. Make sure you always add value and not sell.

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In the town of Newton, MA, at my office, there are more than a dozen Facebook groups – from a parent group to a freebies group. Joining the groups that apply to you is a great (free) way to get your name out there.

If you have a large, national brand, look for Facebook groups within your company. For example, within the world of Keller Williams, there is a wellness group, a group for agents with ADHD, a young professionals group, a luxury group, many referral groups, and more. Ask your real estate agency about the best real estate agent-specific Facebook groups and join the ones that make sense for you.

One of the best ways to find properties before they hit the market is to search your local coming soon/off the market Facebook groups. Use these groups to find homes for picky buyers or to find deals for your investor clients. There will be at least one group in most areas soon. If you tell your buyer about a home that isn’t yet on the MLS, you’re a hero!

Don’t forget to visit the Facebook groups you belong to to get the most out of them. Reply to others’ posts if you can find a helpful answer to a question, and post your own questions and success stories to inspire others. Think of them as the communities they are, full of agents like you trying to do more business and help more people!

Ashley Harwood photo

About Ashley Harwood

Ashley Harwood started her real estate career in 2013 and built a six-figure business as a solo agent before launching Move over extroverts in 2018. She developed training materials, classes and coaching programs for her fellow introverts. As of 2020, Ashley served as Director of Agent Growth for three Keller Williams offices in the Boston metro area. She is now the Lead Listing Agent for the Fleet Homes team in Massachusetts and is a regular contributor to Vetted by HousingWire. She created The Quiet Success curriculum and has taught thousands of real estate agents across the country. She has also been a guest speaker at top industry events and has been named a leading real estate coach by leading industry publications.

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